The Lewis-Clark Valley earned the name “Banana Belt” due to the mild winter climate. While most of the Inland Northwest is covered in snow and frost, golf courses in the valley are open for business. You can play golf every month of the year on one of the four 18-hole courses in the valley. All courses offer full amenities and are challenging courses to play.

Fun Facts
- The record high in January was 66º in 1953
- Average high in March is 55º and the average low is always above freezing, 36º
- There are 72 holes of golf that can be played in the Lewis Clark Valley
- Local Geno Bonnalie sets Guiness World Record playing 2,000 holes of golf in one week, 16 rounds a day. He also made the most birdies in one week (491) and the most birdies in 12 hours (67) at the Lewiston Golf and Country Club