Hells Gate State Park

5100 Hells Gate Rd, Lewiston, ID 83501
(208) 799-5015

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The park offers a variety of conveniences for area residents and visitors. Camping and boat moorage is available year-round. The park offers hook-up sites, showers, picnic facilities, hiking and mountain biking trails an archery range, boat launch and a swimming beach. The Lewis and Clark Discovery Center features indoor educational displays, a two-acre outdoor interpretive plaza along the banks of the Snake River and a beautiful moving stream with sculptures by Artist Rip Caswell. See an original 32-minute film and don’t miss the Lewis and Clark gift shop while you’re at the center. The marina building houses the Snake River Adventures jet boat company office, a convenience store, and a conference room with a view available to the public for meetings. Hells Gate State Park is the meeting place for many visitors going on jet boat trips into Hells Canyon.

Categories: Parks, Bicycling, Family Fun, Hiking Trails, Historic Sites, Horseback Riding, Kid Friendly Attractions, Kid Friendly Hikes, Learn More, Lodging, Outdoors, Parks, RVs & Camping, Vacation Rentals, Cabins, and B&B's, Wildlife Centers, Wildlife Centers


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